Week 10 Events & Information
Good afternoon all!
Welcome to Week 10 and what a busy week it will be with our Edu-Dance Concert, Swimming Carnival and the P&C Easter Raffle. Just a few reminders about the events.
Edu-Dance Concert
This event is being held tomorrow afternoon (4th April) on the front basketball court at 5pm. All students are required to return to school at 4.30pm and be taken straight to their classrooms in their full costume ready to perform. At the end of the concert, students will return to their class where you will be able to collect them from. School gates will close at 6pm. Students who are in OSH on Tuesday afternoon will be receiving separate communication from the OSH Team. The team on Tuesday afternoon will be getting students ready for the concert and taking them to their classroom at 4.30pm. Parents will need to collect their child from the classroom at the end of the concert.
Tickets – we have had such a great response to families wanting tickets and are looking forward to seeing so many people at the concert. This has unfortunately meant that we are unable to open tickets up again and offer more to families.
Just a reminder that the basketball court area won’t be available for families to find a space until 4.30pm.
Swimming Carnival
This event is taking place on Wednesday afternoon (5th April) at Bayswater Waves between 11.30am and 2.30pm. This event is for students in Years 3-6 who have nominated themselves to participated in the event. Parents and family members are able to attend the carnival, however, will need to pay a spectator’s fee on arrival at the pool. We ask that parents and family members sit on the chairs provided on the grass area on the playground side of the pool. There will be plenty of space for people to view the carnival. We also ask that during the carnival there is no parent/student contact with purchasing meals, drinks or treats from the café.
The carnival will commence with the Year 3 boys 25m Freestyle and work through the year levels and each swimming style. I have attached a copy of the program to this notice for your perusal.
P&C Easter Raffle
This will take place on Thursday afternoon (6th April) at 1pm in the undercover area. Good luck to everyone who has purchased tickets.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.