Edu-Dance Concert 2023
Good afternoon parents/care givers,
Edu-Dance Concert will take place on Tuesday 4th April on the front basketball court (junior play area). We will be holding one concert this year which will start at 5pm and should only run for approximately 45 minutes. All students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 have participated in the 9 week program and are required to be part of the performance.
As this is the first time we have held the concert altogether and in the evening, there are a few things that need to happen to make the event run smoothly.
Students will go home from school as normal at 2.45pm. We ask that all children return to school at 4.30pm and are taken straight to their classroom in their full costume ready to perform. Teachers will be waiting there for their class. Students will be taken to the concert by their teacher and sit in class/year level whilst waiting to perform. At the end of the concert, all students will be taken back to their classroom by their teacher. Parents will need to collect their child from the classroom. Please be prompt to collect your child. The school gates will be closed at 6pm.
Tickets – we will be ticketing the event through Eventbrite, there is no cost for the tickets. As we haven’t held an Edu-Dance Concert in this format or this space before, we are unsure of the numbers we can have. At this stage, we are going to limit the ticket numbers to 4 tickets per family (this includes split families). Please only validate the number of tickets you require. Closer to the event we will look at numbers and open up more tickets if we are able to. Please click on the link below to secure your tickets.
Seating – the concert will run longways on the basketball court with the students dancing at the ECE end of the basketball court. Students will sit directly in front of the stage area. There will be a roped off area around that section. We ask that family members don’t enter this area. For families to sit and watch the event, we will have three levels of seating. Directly behind the students, we will have a section for families who are happy to sit on the ground and watch (please bring a picnic rug if you wish). We will then move into a seated section and a standing room section. Please note that the basketball court will only be available for families to find a space to sit from 4.30pm. It is a first in, best dressed situation. If you are looking for a seat, we recommend getting there at 4.30pm as there are only 150 seats available.
For students who are in OSH until 4.30pm on the day, we will have more information to come prior to the concert.
We will update through Connect as more information comes to hand. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
Amanda McAlpine
Deputy Principal