Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”

Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”

Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”

Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”

Hello ATPS Community

A reminder that the Colour Fun Run Sponsorship Forms are due tomorrow (Thursday 26 October).


Benjamin Higgins

Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”

Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”

Good afternoon Parents and Caregivers,

As you are aware we have our School Photos in Week 1 of Term 4.
A note went home with all children regarding this on Tuesday.
Midland Photography have changed to online payment and have provided detailed instructions, which I have also attached to this notice.
Please contact Midland Photography or the front office if you have any problems.
Kind regards,
Benjamin Higgins

Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”

Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”