The Terrace Times

Principal’s Message

Good afternoon Parents / Caregivers,

Welcome to this year’s first edition of The Terrace Times.  I would like to start by welcoming all our new families to Anzac Terrace Primary School.  I know your time with us will be both enriching and rewarding.

School Council
Don’t forget the nominations are still open for School Council positions for 2017-18.  Nominations close next Wednesday 15 February.  Please read the information sheet and nomination form attached here.

The first P&C meeting and AGM is next Tuesday 21 February, 7:30pm in the staffroom.  I hope to see everyone there.

Parent Reps.
The call is going out again to parents who are willing to be parent representatives for their child’s class.  The roles and responsibilities are outline with greater detail in the attachment but if you require any additional information, please contact Tamara Breen at Please click here for nomination form.

Connect is an online website and smartphone app that allows you to stay up to date with class and school activities.  Every classroom has been instructed to use Connect to communicate with parents and students at least once a week.  As this is a major form of our communication to students and families, all parents who have provided an email address to school will be signed up to Connect over the coming term.  You will receive an email advising you how to access and set your password etc.
If you do not want to be signed-up to Connect, please make contact with the school office as soon as possible.

Edu-Dance has begun and the students are already getting into the groove.  Please read the letter attached to this newsletter and make payment as soon as possible.  Dates for the concert will be announced soon so stay tune.

Kid’s Club
Kid’s Club will again be with us in 2017.  Kids Club is an opportunity for children to meet together for a time of games, quizzes and activities, together with a time of looking at Christian values/teaching.  Kid’s Club runs every Tuesday at lunchtime in Room 16.  Please have a look at the flyer later in this newsletter.

Change of Bank
We are currently in the process of changing banks from the ANZ to Commonwealth.  The reason for the change is to make it easier for you to pay for school events/activities/uniforms etc using electronic banking.  We will let you know when this change has occurred and how much easier it will be.

Parent Information Nights
Over the next two terms I will be hosting a number of parent information morning / afternoon / evening sessions. The topics will vary over these sessions but I will ensure that I repeat sessions in case you are unable to attend.  The first sessions will be IT based (either Connect or Qkr!).  I will advertise when the first session is scheduled soon.

Have a great week,

Stuart Blackwood



Anzac Terrace Primary School Chess Club

Chess Club will be held every Monday from 3:00pm – 4:00pm in Room 15. The first session of Chess Club will be commencing in Week 3 on Monday 13 February.

Students in Years 4 to 6 have been invited to join and a permission slip is required for all students planning to attend. There are limited spaces (30) so get in early.

A Chess Information Letter and Permission note can be downloaded here.

P&C News

Click here to read all about our new Anzac Terrace Junior Nature Playground.

P&C School Banking

School banking is back for 2017!

When? Thursday mornings before school.

Where?  In the P&C room for students in Years 1-6.  (Kindy and Pre-Primary students can hand their deposit books to their teacher and they will be processed and returned at the end of the day.) What else??  Some extra volunteers to help for half an hour on some Thursday mornings would be very welcome! Please come and see us on Thursday or contact Keren on 0408827983.

P&C Movie Night

The P&C will be holding their movie night on Friday 24 February 2017.

The movie is Finding Dory!

Click here for more information.

Kid’s Club

Click here to read the Kid’s Club flyer and permission note.

Program Contact Number: 0428 197 483

Head Office Number: (08) 9261 3200


Are you Interested in Learning Piano, Violin or Viola

Erica Ketterer lives in Bassendean and has completed Grade 8 Piano (A+) and is currently studying Classical Viola Performance at WAAPA. She plays with the West Australian Youth Orchestra and is offering individual lessons for only $20 for 30 minutes.

Contact Erica on 0450 420 958 or 08 6278 1910 for further information.

Bassendean Caledonian Junior Soccer Club 2017 Registration