Principal’s Post 27 September 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”
It is with a heavy heart that we today say goodbye to two very valued staff members. Callan Bosley (Year 5/6 Teacher) and Ms Helen Jay (Education Assistant).
Callan has been with us for two years and has done a wonderful job both in the 5/6 class and also more recently with the Coding Club. Callan is leaving us to join the Police Force and we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.
Helen has been with us for 14 years and has worked with most students across the school (both past and present). Helen has been successful in gaining a full time job with East Beechboro PS. And whilst we are very disappointed to see her leave, in looking after her family, we understand her reason to move. Best of luck at the new school Helen, you will be sorely missed.
Safe Online Surfing
I am very pleased to announce that on the 26th November Paul Litherland will be presenting to our Year 5/6 the potholes and pitfalls on online surfing. Paul will explain to students what happens to photos that get uploaded or texted or sent via social media. He will also explain the issues and concerns with children who use apps like SnapChat/TicTok/Instagram/Facebook/Twitter etc. As well as the presentation to students, Paul will be presenting to all parents who would like to attend. This is a free event, but a ticketed event. Please visit the Official School Facebook page or the click on the link below to secure your seats at this event.
Time to Skite
Time for us to skite just a bit
Interschool Sports Carnival – Congratulations to all students who represented our school in the Interschool Carnival this week. Not only did you play hard, you played fair. We were very fortunate to walk away with third place thanks to the tireless effort of all students and of course Mr. Lea and Ms. McAlpine. A special congratulations to Lacey J and Barbra F for winning individual champion medallions.
Bassendean Art Awards – A big congratulations to all students whose art work was chosen to represent ATPS at the recent Bassendean Art Show. A special congratulations to Millie B who won the Year 2 Art Award for all Bassendean schools.
Hampton SHS Stem Challenge – A huge Congratulations to all our students who took part in the Hampton SHS STEM Challenge over the last few weeks. A special congratulations to Oscar B, and Tyson J who beat many other local schools to win the Primary STEM Challenge. Congratulations also to Neve B and Eunice B who finished 4th in the same competition.
WA Massed Choir – I had the distinct privilege of watching our senior choir perform at the WA Massed Festival on Tuesday 24th September 2019. All students represented our great school with pride and show the world how wonderful our music program is at ATPS. A huge congratulations to Mr. Bell for all his efforts in getting the students ready for the performance.
Tim Winton award – And when you add to that Arwen L from Year 3 winning the Tim Winton award in the Year 3/4 Middle Primary category with her work titled A Deeper Darkness …
We definitely have reason to skite
All year 3 and 5 NAPLAN Results were sent out to families today. Congratulations to all students who took part in the test both online and on paper. Parents, take the time to sit down with your child and celebrate all successes (big or small). Feel free to contact you class teacher if you need any assistance interpreting the information or if you have any questions regarding the results.
Bogan Bingo
Keep this date free … Saturday 16th November 2019. The P&C are proud to announce that they will be hosting a Bogan Bingo night in the School Hall. More information will be released early next term, so do it, do it now … write it in your diary and let your inner Bogan Free
Voluntary Contributions Raffle
I am pleased to advise you that Ziggies (our Student Requirement List providers) will be providing three full requirement lists to our lucky raffle winners next term. How do you get a ticket I hear you ask? If you have paid your Voluntary Contributions, you automatically get a ticket in the draw. Haven’t paid your Voluntary Contributions yet? Don’t stress, you still have the opportunity to do this. You can either come in to the school office from Monday 14th October or pay via the Qkr! App. The first draw will be in Week 2 with the second and third draw to follow in the weeks after. Good luck !!
Students Return
Don’t forget even though the school will be open on the Monday, the students don’t return to class until Tuesday 15th October. I look forward to see all their smiling faces then.
Have a great holiday break (don’t buy too many show bags), and I look forward to seeing you all safe and healthy in Term 4.
Stuart Blackwood