School Board Members 2024

School Board Members 2024:

School Board Chair  – Alton Grabsch

School Board Secretary  –  Benjamin Higgins

Principal  –  Peter Harty

School Manager of Corporate Services – Lorraine Cicanese

School Representatives:  –  Amanda McAlpine & Benjamin Higgins

Parent Representatives:  –  Shelley Lantzke; Amanda Larke; Christopher Doughty; Alana Portacio

Community Representative:  –  Prak Sangthong


A School Board is required under the Education Act and consists of:

  • Principal
  • Teacher representatives
  • Parent Representatives

The Board meets on a minimum of four occasions per year.

The role and function of the Board is to (but not limited to):

  • Review school performance and endorse school improvement plans
  • Accept and endorse (and contribute to) the Annual Report.
  • Endorse School Policy ( and develop as required)
  • Endorse the annual finances through:
    • Budget approval
    • Approval of the scale of Fees, Charges and Contributions
    • Monitor annual income and expenditure through finance committee reports.
  • Other matters as relevant to the effective running and performance of the school