The Anzac Terrace Primary School P&C is the parent representative body which supports our school. The P&C is a very active organisation, supporting the school community, promoting parent interest and raising funds for resources, events and initiatives for our kids.

The P&C raises money for the school through voluntary contributions, stalls, raffles, discos and parent events. Over the coming year and past few years, the P&C has used the money raised to help fund a new fence around the Early Childhood area, provide funding to support teachers towards their resource supplies for the year, purchase of a new water tank and compost bin for the school veggie garden, purchase library bags for new Kindy students, install interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, install CCTV cameras, refurbish the long jump pits and much more.

Interested in volunteering?

We are excited about helping make our school somewhere our children are well supported, and we’d love you to join us.

P&C meeting – held twice a term on a Thursday night from 7pm in the school staff room. During the meeting we discuss fundraising activities, what’s happening around the school and hear from the Principal and staff. If you have an idea that you think the P&C can help with and would benefit the school, we encourage you to draw up an agenda item for the next P&C meeting so that it can be discussed. Please contact the P&C for any help needed with this.

Volunteers – the P&C are always looking for parents, care givers, grandparents and family friends to volunteer, whether it be staffing the Uniform Shop, the Canteen, putting together baskets for the Easter raffle, helping set up a stall or serving drinks at an event. If you would like to be included on our volunteer list, please email anzacterraceprimarypandc@gmail.com.

Can’t offer your time? Please consider helping through a donation of products or services for fundraising events such as our Easter Raffle, Community Camp out, Quiz night, or other activities throughout the year.

Your support is valuable to ensure success!

2024 P&C Executive Committee

President Mandy Gratzer president.atps@gmail.com
Vice President Jenn Bartlett anzacterraceprimarypandc@gmail.com
Secretary / Communications & Social Media Sheree Clarkson anzacterraceprimarypandc@gmail.com
Treasurer Lisa Phillip treasurer.atps@gmail.com
Uniform Co-ordinator Olivia Sutton atpsuniform@gmail.com
Fundraising Co-ordinator Angela Savy anzacterraceprimarypandc@gmail.com
Scholastic Book Club Jen Reddington atpsbookclub@gmail.com

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held at the beginning of Term 1 each year. At the AGM you can observe, join in, or even nominate to fill a specific role on the P&C Committee.




P&C Fundraising Activities for 2024

Keep an eye out for these activities the P&C co-ordinate throughout the year:


Term 1 Community Camp Out
Easter Raffle
Term 2 Mother’s Day Stall
Quiz Night
Term 3 Father’s Day Activity
Athletics Carnival Bake Sale & Sausage Sizzle
Term 4 Disco


Community Support

The following local businesses support our P&C with contributions:

  • IDA Street Supermarket, Bassendean
  • Gilbert’s Fresh Markets, Midland
  • The Athlete’s Foot Galleria, Morley Galleria Shopping Centre

Simply by shopping at these businesses and mentioning Anzac Terrace Primary School, we receive kind contributions. Please consider shopping with these wonderful businesses and in doing so “support local”.

Containers for Change – there are blue bins located at the school ready to receive your containers for change. Alternatively, please reference “Anzac Terrace Primary P and C” at your local depot to donate your refund when depositing your containers.



Join our Facebook group “Anzac Terrace Primary Parents Page” for current P&C news and information.

P&C Committee

We thank these people for giving up their valuable time to support our school.

PresidentMandy Gratzerpresident.atps@gmail.com
Vice PresidentJen Bartlettanzacterraceprimarypandc@gmail.com
SecretarySheree Clarksonsecretary.atsp@gmail.com
TreasurerLisa Philiptreasurer.atps@gmail.com
Uniform Co-ordinatorOlivia Suttonatpsuniform@gmail.com
Fundraising Co-ordinatorAngela Savvyanzacterraceprimarypandc@gmail.com

Canteen ManagerCassie Gauntatpscanteen@gmail.com
Scholastic Book ClubJen Reddingtonatpsbookclub@gmail.com