Principal’s Post 30 August 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of “From The Principal’s Desk”
Book Week
Congratulations to all students who took part in our Book Week parade earlier today. The costumes were absolutely amazing and I know the Prefects had a lot of trouble picking just one winner from each of the Year groups. Thank you to all parents for the hours spent helping your child dress up. Please see below for a picture of the winners.
My Absence
I’m back … Did you miss me?
As most of you know, I went into hospital to have a hernia operation at the beginning of week three. The operation itself was a success, but there were difficulties in the recovery (bacterial infection etc). My thanks to Liz Page who stood in as Acting Principal in my absence and did a sterling job.
Recently, a number of our student’s creative writing pieces were entered into a competition run through the City Of Subiaco called the Tim Winton Award for Young Writers. All of our student’s work was judged and performed well when compared to other entrants. I am pleased to advise you that Arwen L from Year 3 has won the Year 3/4 Middle Primary category with her work titled A Deeper Darkness. There were over 1,400 entries into this prestigious competition, so Arwen should feel very accomplished having won the First Place Award.
Massed Choir
I had the privilege of travelling with our senior choir to The WA Massed Choir rehearsal at Churchlands Senior High School earlier this week … Wow !!! What at amazing job our choir did performing the Massed Choir repertoire. A HUGE thank you to Mr. Bell who had such a mammoth undertaking preparing our senior choir to perform at this concert. If you haven’t already, please book your tickets to come and see this great spectacular. Follow this link for more ticketing information (remember our concert is Tuesday 24th September 2019 at 7:30pm), but please hurry, there are only a few seats left.
Kindy Enrolments
For the first time in a number of years, we have a small number of Kindergarten placements still available for 2020. It is quite normal for us at this stage of the year to have a ‘full book’ and a waiting list. So if you know of families in our area that are yet to enrol their child for the 2020 Kindy program, now is their time to act. They can call us at the school office or go online to our website to download the enrolment forms.
Table Tennis Tables
We have two full sized table tennis tables that are no longer required at Anzac Terrace PS. They are in fair condition (nothing a bit of TLC couldn’t fix) and are yours for a cash donation to our school. (we are hoping to get over $50 each for the tables). Contact the school office if you are interested.
Web Site
Our new website is now updated yet again … have you seen the changes?
Logo on to and have a look at the all new up-to-date changes on our website. Do you have any suggestions for more information that we could put on our website? Come and let us know at the School Office.
Have a great weekend and Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads and Grandads
Stuart Blackwood