Principal’s Post 13 June 2019

Swimming Lessons for Years 3-6

Don’t forget swimming lessons for Room 11/12/13/14/15/17/18 start on the 24th June. Please make sure you return your forms and monies before this time. If you wish to pay via Qkr, it is on the app up until Wednesday of next week.


Did you know that every day your child is absent, you must notify the school and explain why? This is a State requirement.   So in our efforts to make it easier for you to advise us of their absence, we have tried to streamline the process and give you more options. So now your options are: –

  1. Click on the absentee link on our website and fill out the brief form
  2. Log in to Connect and click on the link at the top of the page
  3. Verbally tell the teacher (face to face) or hand them a written note

All three methods are perfectly acceptable and will help you avoid the ‘please explain’ phone call from Mrs. Page. But please do not call the school phone number to explain the absence. This is no longer an acceptable method of notification.

Please Stay Away If You’re Sick

Last week we had over 20 students that we sent home through the office because they were sick. In most cases, the students advised us that they felt sick last night/that morning, but Mum sent them anyway. With this current Flu and the viral infections going around, please keep your child home if they show symptoms. We have had a huge percentage of our students and staff off sick because they are catching something from Anzac Terrace … we need to break the cycle and your help would be greatly appreciated.

If you are unsure, check out the Health Department of WA’s new app or online symptom checker.

Semester 1 Reports

Semester one reports will go home to parents/caregivers on Friday 5th July. Every parent (except Kindy parents) will receive their child’s report via Connect. They will be uploaded so that you can download it to share with family or just to view it on screen. Connect is run by the Department of Education and is secure; it stores your child reports for the length of their primary and secondary education. If you need help with logging in to Connect, make sure you speak with Lina or Lorraine in the School Office and they will help you get access.

P&C Movie Night

On Friday 28th July, the P&C will be hosting a Movie Night. The Movie will be The Lego Story 2. Please check out the poster here.


Thank you to all that supported the Disco last Friday. The Year 6s were able to raise over $1,500 towards their camp. My thanks to the staff who gave of their time freely to help run the event … especially DJ Lea

Have a great weekend,

Stuart Blackwood