The Terrace Times
Principal’s Message
Good afternoon Parents / Caregivers,
Welcome to this edition of the Terrace Times. (I told you this would be a hectic Term.)
In-term Swimming (P/P to Year 2)
Thank you to everyone who have got their swimming notes and payment back to us so quickly. I’m pleased to say that In-term Swimming will go ahead starting next week. The timetable for classes will be available shortly.
Computer School
I am very pleased to announce a great resource for both classroom and for home. Anzac Terrace has signed up for access to The Computer School. The website is designed to have all sorts of IT lessons for you to teach yourself or even just refresh your memory all in one location. It includes engaging and detailed tutorials and lessons covering an extensive and varied range of virtually all of today’s most commonly used computer and technology-based programs, apps and devices, and most related topics. There are typing tutors and loads of information about cyber safety. Best of all, it’s free for you to access at home. Just click on the link below (this will take you to the welcome screen)
a) Go to the Website:
b) Click the Sign-In Button (Top Right) >>
Then, select from the drop down menu >> (TTD) Technology Training Directory
Username: atsit
Password: ats6054
Then click >>> LOGIN … This will now open your (TTD).
Book Week
Quick reminder about Book Week. This year’s Book Week theme is – Escape to Everywhere. Book week will run from 21 August culminating with a Dress Up on Friday 25 August. On the Wednesday 23 August at 9.00 am, there is a performance for the whole school. All years (K to 6), are expected to attend. The cost of this performance will be $5.50 per student. Payment can be made through Qkr! or the front office in a cash envelope no later than Wednesday 16 August.
Kindy T-Shirt 2018
At Monday’s School Council meeting, members unanimously voted to approve the introduction of a Kindy T-shirt. The idea is that Kindy Blue would wear a blue t-shirt, Kindy Gold a gold/yellow t-shirt and kindy green a … you get where I’m going here. I would like the design (that will be screen printed on the t-shirt) to come from one of our students. I have asked teachers to allow students an opportunity to draw a black and white (only) picture; I have set the theme of the picture as Family/Together. All drawings are to be on an A4 piece of paper, black and white only, and must be original work. I ask you to encourage your child to participate in this occasion so that their work may be emblazoned on Kindy T-shirts for ever.
Anzac Terrace Has Got Talent
We have entered the second week of auditions for our Anzac Terrace Has Got Talent (ATHGT) Talent Show. Some of the contestants I have seen perform have been absolutely amazing. From Martial Arts to Pianists to Singers to Dancers, the performances have been great to watch. The School Prefects are doing a sterling job judging the performances based on the assessment criteria of Audience Engagement, Stage Presence, Originality, and Overall Performance. Finalists will be announced in coming weeks, but all entrants will receive a certificate for their efforts. The final will be held at 1:15pm on Friday 22 September, and it will be great to see plenty of parents there to support the acts.
Have a great week,
Stuart Blackwood
Honour Certificates
Congratulations to the following students who where presented with an Honour Certificate at the last Assembly.
Room | Name |
ECB 2 | Lilli E and Charlie S |
ECB 3 | Loki G and Charli W |
2 | Masey L and Florence Q |
3 | Lucas H and Poppy K |
5 | Keyaan A and Faith B |
6 | Liam B and Sierra C |
11 | Mia C and Zachary D |
12 | Oliver C and Trinity J |
13 | Bano A and Katlynne B |
14 | Samuel C and Jai H |
15 | Emily N and Chanel T |
17 | Phoenix D and Blade G |
18 | Matthew C and Cadance C |
Art | Phoenix D and Cosette T |
Sport | Ashleigh C and Mikaela S |
Library | Kindy Blue, Room 11 and Marcus L |
Students receive Honour Certificates as acknowledgement for achievement in academic success, social skills and thoughtfulness to others.
Being a Reading Sensation
As most of our students read each night, the BEARS reading program is not extra work for students, parents and caregivers or teachers, it is simply a method of calculating the number of nights the students read, and then rewards them at strategic numbers, eg 50, 100, 200 and so on.
Well done to the following students who have read for –
50 Nights | |
Room 2 | Troy H, Tamzin I and Kye M |
Room 6 | Sehun P |
Room 11 | Imogen I |
Room 12 | Oliver C |
100 Nights | |
Room 2 | Jake H and Lucy K |
Room5 | Campbell N |
Room 11 | Zoe E, Riley H, Shaela M and Luniva S |
Room 12 | Shannon M |
150 Nights | |
Room 2 | Arye B, Antonin C, Isla F and Mason K |
ECB 3 | Ruby C, Emily C and Kai T |
Room 5 | Keeyan A and Myah R |
Room 6 | Tide D |
Reminders and Upcoming Events
Date | Event |
Friday 11 August | Parent Assembly Item – Room 11 |
Friday 11 August | Uniform Shop open 9.00am – 9.30am |
Monday 14 August to Friday 25 August | Interm Swimming Pre-Primary to Year 2 |
Friday 18 August | P&C Disco |
Monday 21 August to Friday 25 August | Book Week |
Wednesday 21 August | Uniform Shop open 2.30pm pm 3.00pm |
Wednesday 23 August | Book Week Incursion (Whole School) |
Monday 28 August | Yellow Hair Day – Whole School Cancer Council |
Students Not Returning in 2018
Parents, if your child is not attending Anzac Terrace in 2018, please complete the attached form and return it to the school office as soon as possible.
Click here to download a form.
Faction Athletics Carnival
The Faction Athletics Carnival is held over two days with Friday being the main day.
The jumps, throws and 400 metres race (for selected students only) will be held on Wednesday 6 September and the team games and running will be held on Friday 8 September.
Click here to download a copy of the Timetable of Events for the 2017 Faction Athletics Carnival. A program for Friday 8 September will be available the week of the carnival.
Constable Care Incursion
On Monday 24 July at 1:00pm Constable Care came to visit us. Nadia and Constable Care showed us three different ways to get to school safely. We had to use our imaginations. I liked it when Constable Care flipped around. It was funny. They showed us how to walk, drive and ride to school safely. Timmy and Nadia rode their bikes to school They wore protective gear like a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. Nadia and her Grandpa walked and drove to school.
Neve Banfield. Room 12, Year 3
On Monday 24 July we had to use our imaginations for Constable Care. It was funny and interesting. It was about safety and there was a lot of time travelling. Nadia, Grandpa, Professor and Timmy showed us three ways to get to school safely. They told us that we should get out of the car on the side that is closest to the path not the traffic. The Professor, Timmy and Grandpa were puppets.
Declan Page. Room 12, Year 3
On the 24th July we had Constable Care come to our school. We got to see a puppet show about road safety. We used our imaginations to make it interesting. The characters were: Nadia, Constable Care, Grandpa, Professor Tell-you-what-to-do, Timmy and Sage. Constable Care took Nadia on an adventure on the ways to get to school safely. Nadia walked to school with Grandpa, rode on a bike to school with Timmy and drove in a car with Grandpa. Nadia taught us a song to help cross the road. We did a fun road rules quiz!
Claudia Innes. Room 12, Year 3
Message from your School Council
Dear Parents and Friends,
The School Council is proud to announce that it has nominated Mr Tristan Kaempf for the Premier’s Primary Teacher of the Year in this year’s Department of Education Awards. Mr Kaempf is a very deserving nomination and we wish him all the very best in this year’s awards. It is important to add that while Tristan is very deserving of the nomination, when all is considered, there are also many very deserving teachers, support and administration staff who could equally have been nominated. Due to the complexity of completing a nomination, the evidence required and support materials, the council simply did not have enough time to nominate other people in this year’s awards.
As a council, we have learnt a lot through the process of nomination and we have decided, in order to nominate more staff next year, we will be starting the process much earlier to ensure more of our staff are acknowledged in this way for the fantastic work that they do. In order to do this we need your help. Every day, our children and ourselves interact with staff in positive and enriching ways. There are so many opportunities for us to note this and to recognise our staff. We want to hear about these situations. How can you tell us? You can email us at, drop in a note at the office, or have a chat with a school councillor and let us know. We will be collecting and collating this information to help with nominations next year. We will also be looking for volunteers to help us prepare those nominations early in the new year. If you are interested in putting your hand up to help please let us know.
Warm regards,
Adam Cheetham
School Council Chair
Netball News
This term, Anzac Terrace Netball Club started our first NetSetGo Skills Program for ages 5-7 years, which has had overwhelming interest.
These Skills programs are a great way for your child to be introduced to netball without the pressure of competition.
They encourage strengthening of their gross motor development, coordination and the importance of teamwork in a fun and friendly environment.
We will hopefully be holding more of these in the future.
With such a great response to our first season, we are going to be offering teams to compete in the Spring Netball season, also held at Swan Districts Netball Association, which will commence in October and conclude in December.
This season consists of 9 rounds and the teams will range from ages 7-11 years (Year 2 – Year 6).
More information on registration will be available in the next few weeks.
Look out for more Netball news in the coming newsletters on Connect.
The end of the Winter Netball season is fast approaching, (only 3 games left), and Anzac Terrace Netball Club has definitely put our name out there!!
Warriors, our Year 5 team, are currently 2nd on their ladder and Aces, our Year 3/4 team, although they don’t keep a ladder, have worked so hard and are proving to be real contenders in their division.
Both teams have improved dramatically and it has been great to see their progress, both individually and as a team.
Keep up the hard work girls!!
Go Warriors, Go Aces!!
Mel and Jo (coaches)
Round 7
Warriors Won 8 – 6
Aces Bye
Goal scorers
Tahliah Y 4
Chanel T 4
Round 8
Warriors Lost 7 – 12
Aces Lost 3 – 21
Goal Scorers
Chanel T 4
Tahliah Y 3
Amber L 3
Round 9
Warriors Won 7 – 0
Aces Won 12 – 4
Goal Scorers
Tahliah Y 2
Maddison B 1
Chanel T 2
Charlotte M 2
Lilly E 5
Amber L 5
Emily P 1
Aliesha Y 1
Round 10
Warriors Lost 11 – 14
Aces Lost 11 – 4
Goal Scorers
Chanel T 7
Tahliah Y 1
Charlotte M 1
Shantelle B 2
Emily P 2
Lilly E 2
Round 11
Warriors Won 10 – 2
Aces Draw 2 – 2
Goal Scorers
Chanel T 6
Tahliah Y 1
Teia T 1
Charlotte M 2
Emily P 1
Lilly E 1
Round 12
Warriors Won 9 – 6
Aces Lost 1 – 25
Goal Scorers
Chanel T 5
Tahliah Y 4
Neve B 1
P&C Fundraiser
The P&C fundraiser through Crazy Camel which involves turning your child’s artwork into products such as – calendars, tea towels, greeting cards, iphone cases, pillowcases and diaries closes this Friday 11 August.
Please bring your order and money to the school office.
Thank you.
P&C Disco
The P&C will be holding a Disco in the School Hall on Friday 18 August.
Students are invited to attend dressed as a ‘Rock Star’.
Kindy to Year 2 can attend from 5.00pm to 6.30pm
Year 3 to Year 6 attend from 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Click here for more information.
P&C Entertainment Book
The Entertainment Book are still available.
If you would like to purchase a book and to help us continue to fundraise for our senior playground please click here.
Jessica Ericson
P&C Fundraising Coordinator
OSHC program phone: 0428 197 483
OSHClub WA Head Office: 03 85649000
Coordinator: Jennifer Archer Assistants: Monique Wright
All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is easy and free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.
Keyed Up Music will be teaching group music lessons after school at Anzac Terrace Primary School. Guitar lessons are on Tuesday. Lesson pricing starts from $16.95. To enrol your child please go to if you require more information please contact Therese on 1300 366 243 or email us