Good afternoon Parents / Caregivers,
Welcome to this edition of the Terrace Times.
Town of Bassendean
I met with Deputy Mayor Robert Brown last week to discuss the traffic situation around Anzac Terrace and drop-off and pick-up times. Unfortunately, there are some very dangerous practices occurring from our parents during these times and I am determined to make our streets safer not only for our students but also our neighbours. I have asked for a number of modifications to occur within our school precinct and will keep you updated with progress. I have also asked that the Town of Bassendean Ranger be more available for our surrounding streets during this time. Please be considerate of your driving, parking and walking around Anzac Terrace PS particularly during these times.
Year 6 Camp
Good luck to all our Year 6s going on camp next week. These will be memories you take with you for the rest of your life. If you challenge yourself to beat your best in every activity you do, you will find the experience most rewarding as well. Most importantly, have fun !!
Chat With The Principal
It was great to see a number of parents come and have a coffee with me and chat about matters pertaining to them and their children yesterday afternoon. Don’t worry if you missed it, I will be running another session early next year.
Our wonderful choir will be performing at the Morley Baptist Church on Sunday 9 December in the late afternoon or early evening. If you have the time, make sure you pop down to 33 Hanwell Way, Bassendean (just behind the park on Broadway) to see them perform as well as partake in the fun activities that will be taking place that night.
Classroom Placements for 2019
If there are any special circumstances relating to your child’s learning that you would like us to consider for their placement in 2019, please put it in writing addressed to me by 3pm, Friday 23 November. Please only base requests on educational requirements. Whilst all parent requests submitted by this date will be given serious consideration, they will unfortunately not all be automatically accommodated. Please note, late written requests will not be accepted.
P&C News
A reminder that copies of the whole school photo will be available for purchase in the Uniform shop after the Parent Assembly on Friday 16 November. Pricing: A4 size – $20 – only 30 available A3 size – $25 – only 10 available. The photos are available for viewing in the school office. Note, there are a limited number of photographs, and these will be sold on a first come, first serve basis, and need to be paid for on the day in cash.
Also, check out the flyer later in this newsletter about the Anzac Terrace Primary P&C fundraiser at the Rollerdrome … it’s on this Friday. Family and friends are welcome.
Have a great week,
Stuart Blackwood
Congratulations to the following students who were presented with an Honour Certificate at the last Assembly.
Room | Name |
ECB 2 | Marley R and Annabelle W |
ECB 3 | Winter K and Edward M |
2 | Riley O and Kai T |
3 | Loki G and Yashraj R |
5 | Tamzin I and Mia K |
11 | Lily R and Jake T |
12 | Sierra C and Mitchell M |
13 | Royce C and Thomas S |
15 | Room 14 and Angelo N |
17 | Shaela M and Daisy W |
18 | Allirah W and Bernice B |
Art | Millicent B and Antonin C |
Sport | Ivy H and Mei S |
Students receive Honour Certificates as acknowledgement for achievement in academic success, social skills and thoughtfulness to others.
Our Mural
Our amazing mural is almost complete.
Thank you Mrs Edmonds
A great big thank you to Mrs Edmonds for donating some wonderful ‘Where’s Wally’ prints (they are actually jigsaw puzzles!).
They will be proudly displayed in our Library Reading Room – make sure you check them out next time you are here.
Circuit Breaker Science Fair
Circuit Breaker Science Fair information from Mr Kaempf
Circuit Breakers Science Fair
This year Anzac Terrace successfully applied to be a part of the Western Power Circuit Breakers Program. The program involved all Year 5 and 6 students developing an understanding of the properties of electricity and energy generation and distribution in Western Australia.
All Year 5/6 students have been working through programme handbooks during Science lessons. There were also regular visits from Western Power engineers to clarify the roles of engineers and assist student with their work. Two free 3D printers were given to the school. The Circuit Breakers program also featured during Science Week in August.
As a finale, upper primary students were also invited to attend a Science Fair at Scitech on Friday 2nd November. School were required to create a 3D model of the ‘Network of the Future’. Students needed to come up with ideas as to how electricity might be used by future communities.
Twenty different schools attending the exhibition. Nina M, Liam S and Max B presented our 3D model and explained some ideas that could be used to generate electricity in the future. Some ideas included; 1. Lightning Conductors 2. Rain Mills 3. Pressure Plates under the roads 4. Pop up houses
Thank you to everyone who attended. It was a great evening.
Mr. Kaempf
Being a Reading Sensation
As most of our students read each night, the BEARS reading program is not extra work for students, parents and caregivers or teachers, it is simply a method of calculating the number of nights the students read, and then rewards them at strategic numbers, eg 50, 100, 200 and so on.
Well done to the following students who have read for –
100 Nights | |
Room 2 | Skye P |
Room 5 | Noah W and Kye M |
Room 6 | Lucas H, Troy H and Mira P |
Room 12 | Maryanne Q |
150 Nights | |
Room 6 | Lucas P |
200 Nights | |
Room 11 | Lily R |
Room 12 | Mitchell M, Georgia B, Isla F and Taj C |
250 Nights | |
Room 5 | Arwen L |
Room 6 | Mason K |
Room 11 | Ava C |
Date | Event |
Wednesday 21 November – Friday 23 November | Year 6 Camp |
Friday 30 November | Parent Assembly Item – Choir |
Friday 30 November | Uniform Shop Open 9.00am to 9.30am |
Tuesday 4 December | Kids Club Christmas Play 1pm |
Sunday 9 December | The Choir singing at Morley Baptist Church Late Afternoon / Early Evening |
Students Not Returning in 2019
Please complete and return the attached form to the School Office if your child/ren are not returning to Anzac Terrace Primary School in 2019.
Salvation Army Food Drive 2018
Christmas is just around the corner and we need your support once again to give to others in need.
We have had an amazing response in previous years and hope your generosity will continue. Please send any non-perishable food items (for example, packets and cans) to your child’s classroom. They will be collected weekly with year, room and school totals displayed in the Library for each classroom.
Collections started Monday 29 October and gives us a total of 6 weeks to collect as much as we can. Let’s all put in a fantastic effort and support this very worthwhile cause. The food is put into hampers to brighten the Christmas of families in need.
Thank you.
Jan Bowers and Lynda Francis – Co-Ordinators
Message From Your School Council
At our recent meeting the School Council decided to have the Annual Open Meeting on Tuesday 27 November at 3:15pm in the School Library which will also be our final School Council meeting for this year. This meeting provides a great opportunity for you to see how the Council works. We will have an update on the Council’s work throughout the year and you can ask about any pressing issue about your school. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available to keep you energised through the meeting.
As the year draws to the end, several Council Members will be ending their tenure with the Council. Mr Blackwood will again be asking for volunteers to offer to join the Council. This is a good time to think about whether you would like to be part of the Council and help to drive the strategic direction of the school over the next few years.
Just a reminder, after a frantic year staff need to feel the love and support. You can provide feedback that will reach a particularly lovely staff member, by completing an ONYA award.
Kind regards,
Adam Cheetham
ATPS Council Chair
P&C Fundraiser
The Anzac Terrace Primary P&C fundraiser is on at Rollerdrome this Friday 16 November, 4pm – 6pm. Family and friends are welcome.
Entry $12 and Skate / Blade Hire $3
For more information please refer to the flyer below.
Play Cricket This Season
It’s not too late to join a Cricket Club.
Click here to download more information.
Perth Wildcats After School Program
Each Wednesday 7th November to 19th December
Years 1 to 3 – 3.45pm to 4.30pm (7 sessions) – $135.00
Years 4 to 6 – 4.30pm to 5.30pm (7 sessions) – $180.00
Click on the link below for more information –
If you are looking for a place where your little ones can play with other children or you are looking for a bit of socialising then click on the link below for more information.
OSHC program phone: 0428 197 483
OSHClub WA Head Office: 03 85649000
Coordinator: Monique Wright Educator: Chloe Wade
All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is easy and free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.
This term Keyed Up Music will be teaching Guitar Lessons on Tuesday after school. Lessons start from $18.10 for a group lesson of 3, $22.55 for a shared lesson and $33.00 for an individual lesson. If you are interested please ring Therese on 1300 366 243 or enrol at
The School provides information on Community activities that may be of interest to students and families but does not have specific knowledge of these activities and does not endorse or recommend a particular product or service that is listed.