The Terrace Times

Principal’s Message

Good afternoon Parents / Caregivers,

Here it is … The last newsletter for 2017

School Council
As mentioned in the last two Newsletters, it is my responsibility to call for nominations for School Council Members, Parent Representative.  Therefore, nominations are now open.  There are three Parent Representative positions available.  Please read the information and nomination form attached.  If you are interested in running for School Council, please complete the nomination form and return it to the school office before 3pm Wednesday 7 February.  Should more than 3 parents nominate for these positions, I will hold an election on the Thursday 8 February.  Please read Adam’s School Council note later in this Newsletter and if you have any additional questions regarding the School Council, please don’t hesitate to contact Adam or myself.

Today marks the last day at Anzac Terrace for Ms Christine Thomson.  Christine has been with us for just under five years and has left an indelible mark on all her students.  Christine and Gavin and the girls are moving to Dunsborough … this has always been the plan, but after being offered the job here five years ago, Christine just found it so hard to leave.  On behalf of all staff, parents and students we wish them every success with the sea-change and hope that they keep in contact and drop in from time to time.
I would also like to acknowledge Mrs Olga Jones, Mrs Celia Hayward, and Mrs Amanda Kelly who are all taking long service leave or leave without pay in 2018. We hope you enjoy your very well-deserved breaks; you will most definitely be missed by both staff and students in 2018 !!

My Thanks
To ALL the staff at Anzac Terrace, my heartfelt thanks for the year.  2017 has been a heck of a year, with funding concerns and budget constraints (with even more announced last night), with the ERG and the associated feelings/emotions and the increased workloads … the list goes on.
I truly appreciate your professionalism, your commitment to your students, and your ‘Can-Do’ attitude.  Enjoy your hard-earned respite.  I would also like to personally thank Mr Neil Strachan, Mrs Liz Page and Mrs Sue Harrison, for their continued support and help throughout the year.

P&C and School Council
I would also like to thank previous President, Mrs Marieke van den Burg and current President, Mrs Nicole Wells and all The P&C Committee.  As I have stated previously, the events you organise and your donations over the year to our school are very much appreciated.  We are thankful for your unwavering support of our great school.
To Mr Adam Cheetham, Mrs Steph Tarbin and all our parent and staff representatives on the School Council …thank you again.  I offer you my immense gratitude for your efforts and in particular your guidance this year.

Merry Christmas
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous 2018.  Have a great festive season, and I look forward to seeing
you all next year.

Stuart Blackwood

Final Assembly 2017

Congratulations to all our Class Book Award recipients for 2017!

Congratulations to Jazmin Hutton who was presented with the Shirley Lienert Memorial Scholarship for 2018 by Mr Lienert (and granddaughter).

Graduating Year 6 Students 2017

Good luck and all the best to our Graduating Year 6 Students!

Anzac Terrace School Choir

It was great to watch the Anzac Terrace School Choir sing for the senior members of the Morley Baptist Church Tuesday morning. The feedback from members was magnificent. Well done everyone!!

Stuart Blackwood

Room 11

After enjoying their class party Students from Room 11 ending their day by making Christmas decorations.

Being a Reading Sensation

As most of our students read each night, the BEARS reading program is not extra work for students, parents and caregivers or teachers, it is simply a method of calculating the number of nights the students read, and then rewards them at strategic numbers, eg 50, 100, 200 and so on.

Well done to the following students who have read for –

50 Nights
Room 12Isabella B
150 Nights
Room 2Masey L and Levi Z
Room 5Elisha D
Room 11Zac D
200 Nights
Room 5Alexander P and Myah R
250 Nights
Room 2Isabella P
Room 6Tide D
Room 12Neve B, Claudia I and Emily P
300 Nights
Room 2Arye B, Isla F and Mason K
Room 5Finn O
Room 6Jasmine O

Salvation Army Food Drive

Thank you to all Students and Staff who contributed to the Salvation Army Food Drive this year.  We had a total of 950 food items donated towards this great cause (not quite the 1000 that we were aiming for but still very good!)  This amount far exceeded last years total.

Thank you.

Jan Bowers & Tracey Ilich – Library

Reminders and Upcoming Events

Wednesday 13 DecemberYear 6 Graduation
Thursday 14 DecemberLast Day of School
Monday 29 January 2018Collection Day for Pre-Ordered Book Requirements
2:30pm to 4:00pm.
Monday 29 January 2018Uniform Shop Open
2:30pm to 4:00pm
Wednesday 31 JanuaryFirst Day of School for Students

Message from your School Council


Hello Parents and Friends,

On behalf of your School Council, we wish all families a happy and safe holiday period.  To all of our wonderful staff, thanks for your dedication and effort through the year and we hope that your break is restful and energising.  To staff not returning in the New Year, we hope that you go forward with our school in your heart as you most certainly are in all of ours.  We look forward to another wonderful year in 2018.


Adam Cheetham

School Council Chair

Netball News

The last round of the Spring season was played last week, with most of our teams having a win. This season marks the end of our very successful first year as a club and we have grown from 2 teams in Winter, to 6 teams in Spring.

All players have had a great time whether they have played for the first time, or got back into it after many years.

All teams from ATNC have done really well this season, with most finishing within the top 4 positions on their ladder.

We would like to thank all of the players for their great sportsmanship and enthusiasm towards representing, not only our netball club, but our whole school community.

We will be entering teams into both the Winter and Spring competitions at Swan Districts Netball Association during 2018. These will cater for Year 2 to Year 6, with a Year 7/8 team for those leaving this year.  We will also be running NetSetGo Skills Programs for Pre Primary to Year 1, which gives our younger players a chance to learn the skills necessary to move forward into competitions.

A BIG thank you as well to our other 3 coaches, Mel, Shanae and Sacha for jumping on board and volunteering their time to help coach our little rising stars!!

Lastly, thank you to our Principal, Mr Blackwood, for allowing us the opportunity to represent our wonderful school.

I look forward to seeing you all next year, and keep an eye out for more Netball News and information in the early 2018 newsletters.

Jo (Coach/Co-coordinator)

Results –

Round 4

ATNC Fire Crackers      LOST    3 – 16                ATNC  Fusion       LOST      2 – 11

ATNC Aces                     LOST    2 – 8                  ATNC  All Stars    LOST      13 – 15

ATNC Warriors             WON    8 – 4

Round 5

ATNC  Fire Crackers     LOST     3 – 16               ATNC  Fusion       WON     12 – 1

ATNC  Aces                    LOST     3 – 9                 ATNC All Stars      LOST     8 – 15

ATNC  Warriors             BYE

Round 6

ATNC  Fire Crackers     LOST   5 – 17                ATNC  Fusion       WON    17 – 2

ATNC  Aces                    WON  8 – 3                  ATNC  All Stars     LOST    10 – 28

ATNC  Warriors            LOST   4 – 6

Round 7

ATNC  Fire Crackers     LOST   8 – 24                ATNC  Fusion       BYE

ATNC  Aces                   DRAW  7 – 7                 ATNC  All Stars     WON   26 – 12

ATNC  Warriors            WON   8 – 7

Round 8

ATNC  Fire Crackers     WON   11 -1                 ATNC  Fusion      DRAW   12 – 12

ATNC  Aces                    LOST    4 – 8                 ATNC  All Stars   LOST      15 – 23

ATNC  Warriors            WON    9 – 5

Round 9

ATNC  Fire Crackers    WON   2 – 1                  ATNC  Fusion      WON     22 – 1

ATNC  Aces                   LOST    0 – 4                  ATNC  All Stars   LOST

ATNC  Warriors           WON    9 – 4

OSHC program phone: 0428 197 483

OSHClub WA Head Office: 03 85649000

Coordinator: Jennifer Archer                 Educator: Monique Wright

All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is easy and free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.


The School provides information on Community activities that may be of interest to students and families but does not have specific knowledge of these activities and does not endorse or recommend a particular product or service that is listed.

In 2018, Keyed Up Music will be running keyboard and guitar lessons at Anzac Terrace Primary School. Prices start from $16.45 plus GST for a group lesson, and $33 for an individual lesson.

To enrol, go to  or ring Therese on 1300 366 243.