The Terrace Times

Principal’s Message

Good afternoon Parents / Cargivers,

Welcome to this fortnight’s edition of the Terrace Times.

Year 6 Camp

We had a fantastic time on Camp with the Year 6s last week.  The students were extremely excited and participated well in all activities.  It was great to watch students push themselves past their limits to achieve new highs.  My thanks to Ms McAlpine, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Penn for their hard work and dedication to make the camp so great.   A special thanks to Zac Wells who volunteered his time to help on the camp … We could not have done it without you !!



It’s that time of the year again; teachers are working feverishly to ensure that your child’s report accurately represents their knowledge, skills and importantly their effort for the whole of 2016.  Reports will come home on Friday 9th December.  If your child’s report recommends you meet with the teacher, or alternatively if you would like to discuss the report with the teacher, please make the time to do this in the last week of term.  Please contact the office to arrange a suitable time.

2017 Classroom Requests

As mentioned in the last newsletter, we have just begun looking at the classroom structures for 2017.  Parents/Caregivers that may have educational requests for their children in 2017 are invited to write to me now outlining their reasons for the request.  Please have the requests to me before close of school on 25 November (next Friday).  Unfortunately any requests received after this time will not be able to be undertaken.

Lunch Order Facilities in 2017

We have been notified that Walter’s Delight will cease to provide a lunch service at Anzac Terrace at the end of this year. This means there will be no lunch orders from an outside provider in 2017.  While this is very disappointing that this has occurred, the owners of Walter’s Delight sadly acknowledge it has not been financially viable and they cannot maintain the service to our school.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rachel, Darren and their staff for their support to our students and P&C over the past few years.

Have a great week,

Stuart Blackwood

Being a Reading Sensation

As most of our students read each night, the BEARS reading program is not extra work for students, parents and caregivers or teachers, it is simply a method of calculating the number of nights the students read, and then rewards them at strategic numbers, eg 50, 100, 200 and so on.

Well done to the following students who have read for –

100 Nights
ECB2Alex P
ECB3Charlie R, Albert K
Room 6Cherise T, Sienna H
Room 12Liam T
150 Nights
ECB3Poppy K, Indiana P and Lucy K
Room 5Harry O
Room 6Nathan W
Room 12Ty S
200 Nights
ECB2Abigael I, Yana B
ECB3Keyaan A, Ayre B, Charlie H and Harry V
Room 5Riley H
250 Nights
ECB2Mitchell M
Room 6Ramin N

Contact Details

It is important to keep the school updated with all current student details.

If you have changed your address or contact telephone numbers please come into the office to advise us or click here to download the form.

P & C Disco – This Friday!!!

P & C Raffle – Prizes Donated by Mr Dave Kelly

The raffle will be drawn at Assembly on Friday.  Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and a big Thank You to Dave Kelly for donating the prize.  Good luck to everyone who has purchased tickets!

Salvation Army Food Drive 2016

We have had an amazing response in previous years and hope your generosity will continue. Please send any non-perishable food items (ie packets and cans) to your child’s classroom. They will be collected weekly with year, room and school totals displayed in the Library and each classroom.

Please support this very worthwhile cause. The food is put into hampers to brighten the Christmas of families in need.

Thank you

Jan Bowers – Co-Ordinator

Message from your School Council


Dear Parents and Friends

Following our recent School Council survey process, the council has undertaken to be more transparent about the issues that we discuss during our meetings.  This afternoon we will be discussing:

The School’s recent NAPLAN performance
Vision 2020 (School’s Strategic Plan)
2017 school development days
Proposed communication policy
Our open meeting
Proposed conflict of interest procedures
School Council Connect community
Some general business

To be informed about these matters and others discussed in the School Council meeting make sure you view the minutes of the meeting which will be available on Connect in the near future.  If the minutes raise any questions for you or you would like to provide us with feedback please feel free to do so via email at  We value your input.

We would also like to remind you about our School Council open meeting to be held on Thursday 8 December from 3pm.  This is a great opportunity to see a Council meeting in progress, find out what the council has been up to and to ask us questions.  Everyone is welcome and we would love to see as many of you there as can make it.

Kind regards

Adam Cheetham

ATPS Council Chair

OSH Club

Before School/After School Care

Newsletter 19 10 2016.inddProgram Update

We quite often receive feedback about how much your children enjoy and look forward to coming to the program so I would like to share with you the thoughts from some of the children who attend the program on a regular basis.

 I like OSH Club. It’s fun, nice and artistic. It’s the best place in the world – James, Year 2

 I like doing colouring in – Alex, Pre-primary

 I like to read and do craft – Lachlan, Year 3

 You can choose quiet time. It gives you thinking time instead of going home & trying to do                       everything – Sarah, Year 4

 My favourite thing is silent ball, the hippo game and the other games we play – Taylor, Year 2

 I love dressing up as a pirate – Leon, Kindergarten

Our aim is to provide your children with a program that is safe, friendly and fun to attend. It is great to see the children feel the same way! If you or your children have any further feedback please feel free to let us know, or you can write a comment or suggestion down at the parent sign in table.

Parent Information

OSHC program phone: 0428 197 483                                                             OSHClub WA Head Office: 08 9261 3200

Coordinator: Jennifer Archer                                                                            Assistant: Monique Wright

All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is easy and free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.

Extreme Ice Arena Have A Go Day

have-a-go-daySunday 4 December 9am to 12pm.   Come along and “Have a Go”!

Click here to download flyer

Vacswim Summer 2017

vacswim_graphic_75x75Enrolments are now open for Vacswim Summer 2017

Click here to download flyer

Bayswater Lacrosse Club

bayswater-lacrosse-club-logoBayswater Lacrosse Club is running a “Smarter Than Smoking Quik Stix” 4 week Lacrosse program at BIC Reserve in Bassendean commencing on 22 November.  If you are interested, there is more information on the school notice board near the library, or you can click here to download the flyer.