Principal’s Post 4 September 2020
Hello Parents/Caregivers,
Welcome to the latest edition of ‘From The Principal’s Desk’ for Term 3, 2020.
Upcoming Carnivals
We are constantly seeking feedback from the Department of Education COVID Principal’s Advisors around any and all decisions made regarding our upcoming athletics carnivals. Every decision made has been presented to the Principal Advisors for feedback and recommendations. Every stipulation mentioned here and in the Connect Notices has been approved by the DoE COVID Team.
I know that the measures I have outlined are not going to please everyone, and for this I am sorry. But I will not apologise for doing what I think is in the best interest of the students, staff and parent’s safety in these very uncertain times.
Faction Jumps and Throws
As mentioned in my Connect Notice last week, our Faction Jumps and Throws will take place on Wednesday 9 September (whilst dodging the promised intermittent showers) under COVID restrictions. This means that parents/caregivers are not to attend. I know this is disappointing, but a necessary requirement to ensure the Carnival goes ahead and so that parents/caregivers can watch the main carnival on Friday.
To make sure you don’t miss out on all the action, we have secured the services of a professional photographer who will ensure there are photos of your child competing in their events. These photos will be taken from a very safe distance and will be made available to you (for free) through your class teacher later this term. Please click on the links below for Timetables and Competitors.
Faction Athletics Carnival
The main Athletics Carnival will go ahead on Friday 11 September as planned. As discussed in my Connect Notice, there will be two wrist bands going home with your child early next week. The youngest child attending in each family will get this envelope. As already mentioned, only two members per family (not per child) will be issued a numbered/printed wristband to be worn on the day. Unfortunately, if you are not wearing this wristband, you will be asked to leave the school. Also, students will not be able to have recess or lunch with their families. We must do this to make sure we are following Phase 4 guidelines and ensuring yours and your child’s safety.
Parents are requested:
- To maintain the 2m2 Social Distancing at all times (consider where you set up camp)
- Not to congregate around the podium or finish line (maintain the 2m2 Social Distancing)
- To remain outside of the roped off area at all times (including recess and lunch)
- To follow these guidelines or be requested to leave the school grounds immediately.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you for the many emails and messages of support that I have received over the last week … it has been absolutely amazing the level of support coming our way in regard to the above stipulations Thank you
Interschool Carnival
A Connect Notice was sent today, outlining the conditions for the Interschool Athletics Carnival, taking place later this term. Unfortunately, with the amount of competitors, required staff and other necessary workers (ambulance officers etc), it was decided by all 6 competing school that this event would not allow parent/caregiver spectators. This was a very difficult decision to reach and one that was not made lightly. But under COVID regulations, there was no fair way to house spectators at the event. (there is more information in the Connect Notice). Again, we are securing photographers to ensure all events and podiums will be recognized; and again, these photos will be made available to you for free as soon as possible. There will also be a Facebook page @MaguireSportsAssociation that will have updated event results published after each event so you can follow along at home, work or catch up later in the day.
Unstoppable Me Program
As the term draws to a close, so too does the Unstoppable Me Program that all students across the school have participated in. From yoga, to breathing training, power of positive thinking, to mindfulness activities; the program has been an incredible success and one that we will try and continue annually. I’ve had the pleasure of watching students take part in activities throughout the term as well as talking to students about the positive effect it has had on them. The Unstoppable Me Program forms a big part of our “Educating The Whole Child” Strategic plan.
My thanks to Linda, our mindfulness instructor, for such a great program.
Community Spirit
One of the biggest draw cards for our school is the fantastic community spirit within our parents and students. Whenever I am showing prospective parents around our school, it is what I spruik with pride. In fact, during the IPS Presentation recently, I described our school as the best little country school in the middle of suburbia; for those of you that have lived and worked in the country, you’ll know exactly what I mean. So in these tough COVID times, when we know families are doing it rough, I ask you to do one thing … keep the community spirit going. Ensure that our “best little country school” remains the best place to be in Bassendean
Community Noticeboard
Thanks again for all your support.
Stuart Blackwood
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