Principal’s Post 20 November 2020
Semester 2 Reports
Semester Two reports will be circulated to parents/caregivers on Monday 14th December to allow you enough time to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss the report if necessary. Every parent (except Kindy parents) will receive their child’s report via Connect. They will be uploaded so that you can download it to share with family or just to view it on screen. Connect is run by the Department of Education and is secure; it stores your child reports for the length of their primary and secondary education. If you need help with logging in to Connect, make sure you speak with Lina or Lorraine in the School Office and they will help you get access.
P&C Disco
The P&C are hosting a Disco on Friday 4th December. Please see the flyer here
Classroom Placements for 2021
If there are any special circumstances relating to your child’s learning that you would like us to consider for their placement in 2021, please put it in writing addressed to me by 3pm, Friday 4th December.
Please only base requests on educational requirements. Whilst all parent requests submitted by this date will be given serious consideration, they will unfortunately not all be automatically accommodated. Please note, late written requests will not be accepted.
Year 6 Camp
It was a great privilege to go on camp with the Year 6 students to Point Peron last week. Whilst tiring (I need sleep), it was extremely rewarding to watch all students face the great unknown … face fear … face challenges. I also had the privilege of watching them all succeed at their own level. Through activities such as prusiking, rock climbing, kayaking, raft building or archery (to name a few), I observed students setting themselves goals and then striving to beat them. A HUGE thanks to Mrs. Nicki Scrivener, Ms. Amanda McAlpine, Ms. Simone Irvine, Mrs. Rosie Penn and Mr. Adam Lea for giving up their own time (and sleep) to ensure the students had a valuable and enjoyable time.
Colour Run
The Annual Colour Run is the school’s only fundraiser for the year. We use the funds to extend our iPad program and our ICT infrastructure. In previous years we have used a company to run the event. And whilst this was easier for the school, it meant that the majority of the profit went to the company. So this year’s Colour Run is going to be a little bit different; this year, we are running it and organising prizes. At assembly today I spoke to students and parents about how it is going to work … This year the major prizes are going to be drawn like a raffle.
How do I get a raffle ticket?
For every $20 you collect, you will receive one ticket. Collect $20 get one ticket, collect $40 get two tickets, collect $60 get three tickets … you get the idea.
What can I win?
There are 11 major prizes.
- An iPad (sponsored by Mr. Dave Kelly MLA)
- 1 pair of Apple AirPods
- 4 Razor Scooters
- 3 complete Personal Items Lists (known as booklists)
(sponsored by Ziggies) - 2 EB Games vouchers
What if I don’t win a prize?
Every student who fundraises and participates in the Colour Run will get an
Anzac Terrace Bouncy Ball and an Icy Pole (provided by the P&C)
How do I collect money?
Booklets will be going home with students either today or Monday for you to write down the fundraising you have collected. Once completed, you can bring in the booklet with the cash (must be cash sorry; cannot go through Qkr or bank deposit) and you will automatically have a raffle ticket (or two or three or more) entered into the draw. The last day money can be brought into the office is Thursday 10th December. After this time, students will not have the collections entered into the draw.
I am very pleased to announce that Anzac Terrace Primary School will be receiving its very own Canteen mid-February 2021. This has been the result of a lot of work (and politics) over the last seven years. As you would know, we have always had to use external providers for our student lunches such as The Packed Lunch Box and Walter’s Delight. And whilst they provided a great service to our school, it was always going to be for a limited time. We will now have a permanent (industrial) kitchen onsite.
The Canteen will be run by the P&C and they will be putting a call out early next year for volunteers to help in the Canteen. This is a fantastic step for our great school, so if you can help out, watch this space.
Ziggies Educational Supplies
Ziggies Educational Supplies assists our school community with the purchasing of school requirements. Please understand that you are not obligated to use Ziggies, but I just wanted to give you some information about the company:
- Ziggies Educational Supplies is a WA family owned business.
- By ordering your child’s Personal Items List products through Ziggies, the school receives a commission, in 2020 Ziggies gave back approximately $400k to WA schools.
- Ziggies proudly support the Make A Wish Foundation by donating $1.50 of every click and collect order.
- Only quality branded products are supplied (not home brands).
- We encourage you to support a locally WA owned and operated business who continues to support WA schools and in the process, help raise valuable funds for our school.
Community Notice Board
Enjoy the weekend; only four weeks to go until the end of the year.
Thanks again for all your support.
Stuart Blackwood
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