Principal’s Post 15 October 2020
Term 4
Term Four is always an exciting term as it’s the final term for the school year. Teachers are preparing their teaching and learning, along with end of year assessments in preparation for student reports. We are also preparing for the Swimming Carnival and a multitude of end of year events. While we remain in COVID-19 Phase 4, some events will be affected and are likely to be organised differently. Keep an eye on CONNECT for details as the term proceeds. However, we are hoping to be able to host a range of events even if we have to adjust our organisation.
In saying all that, as you would be aware, COVID postponed a number of events earlier on in the year and a decision had to made to hold some and lose others. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel two events … the School Open Night and the ATPS Has Talent Show have been cancelled due to time constraints in Term 4. I apologise for any inconvenience caused by this; believe me, this decision was not made lightly.
COVID Phase 4
As Western Australia remains in Phase 4 of COVID restrictions, the following rules will still apply:
Morning Drop-Off – Our morning drop-off in the parent car park (off Culworth Avenue) will continue to go ahead and there will continue to have staff there to ensure your child/ren crosses car parks safely.
Parents to Drop and Run – Should parents choose to take their child to their classroom block, parents will be asked to drop and run. That is, walk your child to the door of the block (not the class) and then leave school premises. Unless you are volunteering in the classroom that morning, you must leave school grounds immediately. Parents wanting to stay on school grounds for other purposes (meetings etc) must be signed in as visitors through the school office. Volunteers will be organised via individual classroom teachers.
Afternoon Pick-up – If you choose to pick up your child/ren from their teaching block, please do not arrive until five minutes before the siren at the very earliest. Any parent who is at the school more than five minutes before the siren will be asked to come to the office and sign in.
These rules have not changed since we entered Phase 4; I am just reiterating them as some parents are lingering on school site with no valid reason. Please be respectful toward our staff and follow these rules. Should we enter Phase 5, during Term 4, these rules will be reassessed.
Drink Bottles
As the weather warms up, I believe it is essential that students bring a drink bottle every day. Even though the drink fountains are in use and being cleaned daily due to the hygiene requirements for COVID-19, having a drink bottle in class, especially on hot days is a more practical way to go.
Book Week
Next week is Book Week (17th – 23rd October). Have you paid for the Book Week Incursion yet? It’s still available on Qkr! until Friday 16 October 2020. The incursion is next Tuesday (20th October) and promises to be a fantastic show for the students. Don’t miss out !!
School Photos
Your child should have already brought home an envelope for school photos. The date for school photos will be Tuesday 27th October (Kindy Gold – Friday 30th October). Please make sure you read the envelope carefully for payment options. Please make sure you return you envelope with your order and full payment to the school office by Tuesday 20th October. If you have any concerns, please contact Midland Photography (number is on the envelope).
Exciting news in regards to the State Government’s containers scheme. Anzac Terrace P&C in conjunctions with The Scouts WA will be facilitating a drop off point at Anzac Terrace PS. More information to follow shortly, so get saving your recyclable containers.
Community Notice Board
Have a great week.
Stuart Blackwood
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