Principal’s Post 5 February 2020
Welcome to the very first edition of ‘From The Principal’s Desk’ for 2020
Welcome New Families
On behalf of Anzac Terrace Primary School, welcome to all our families returning from last year. And a very warm welcome to all the new families joining us for the first time either through the Kindy class or relocation to the Bassendean area. Whether you are returning this year or joining us for the first time, we hope you have a great experience at Anzac Terrace. This is a school which welcomes parents to be part of our wonderful school community. There are always lots of ways you can be part of it and help to enrich your child’s experience at school. I encourage you to take every opportunity provided to be an active part of this great school community.
New Staff
A very warm welcome to Mrs Barbara McGavin and Ms Lauren Dorozenko. Barbara joins us from East Butler PS and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our Year 2 classroom. And Lauren joins us from Roebuck PS and also brings great knowledge and experience to our Science/STEM program. Please make sure you introduce yourself to our new teachers and make them part of our great Anzac Terrace family.
Picnic In The Playground
This Friday afternoon, all classes will open their doors to say welcome to the new school year. Doors will open between 3:30pm and 4:30pm. Your child will be able to show their families their class, the art room, the library … the list goes on. It will be a great way to meet the teachers (including our new teachers) and have an informal chat. From 4:30pm onwards, there will be food trucks, live music and P&C members will be selling Keep Cups and Stubby Holders.
So why not bring down a picnic rug and enjoy the “welcome back to school” with our inaugural Picnic In The Playground … meet the new families, meet the teachers and enjoy the festivities (see the flyer attached).
School Council Members 2020
As Principal, it is my responsibility to call for nominations for School Council Members, Parent Representative. Therefore, nominations are now open. There are three Parent Representative positions available. Please read the information and nomination form attached. If you are interested in running for School Council, please complete the nomination form and return it to the school office before 3:00pm Tuesday 11 February. Should more than 3 parents nominate for these positions, I will hold an election on the Wednesday 12 February. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
Mobile Phone Policy
As you would have heard in the news recently, the WA Government has imposed a new Mobile Phone Policy at all Government Schools. The implications for all Anzac Terrace students are that all mobile phones must be handed in at the School Office and collected in the afternoon (we also ask that mobiles are clearly marked with student’s name). No mobile phones are allowed in school bags or in their pockets. Any mobile phones found in the possession of students can and will be confiscated, with parents having to collect from myself. There is now also an implication for smart watches. Students who wear smart watches must have the watch in “Flight Mode or Aeroplane Mode” during school hours. If the smart watch cannot be placed in Flight Mode, then it too must be handed in at the beginning of the school day and collected at the end of the day. In no circumstances are students to bring ear pods or other wireless listening devices to school without permission from myself. As has always been the case, if you would like your child to bring a mobile to school for use during travel to and from school, you will need to complete a permission form available from the School Office or on our website. If you have any questions/concerns regarding the new mobile phone policy, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
New Path
You will have noticed the removal of the old paved path from the staff carpark to the upper level of the grassed junior playground. The path was removed due to the uneven surfaces and the dangerous nature of the traverse. We are currently in the process of replacing the path with a new path closer to the steps near the crosswalk. We apologise for the brief inconvenience this will cause.
Car Park
I am meeting with the Town of Bassendean today to discuss final plans for the Culworth entry to our parent carpark. This is not safe as the footpath melds into the carpark entry leaving students and families nowhere safe to walk or ride bikes/scooters. The Department of Education will assist us in funding a new pathway. I will keep you informed with the progress.
Last year the School Council reviewed and clarified the Uniform Policy in regard to correct student uniform. The wording of the policy was somewhat clouded by the introduction of the faction polo (opposed to the faction t-shirt). The policy now states all students are to wear the yellow polo (or school dress) every day of the week. The only day students can wear the faction polo is their sports day (Thursday/Friday … to be confirmed by your child’s class teacher) or on sports carnival days. On Monday all students from Year 1 – 6 were advised that it was now expected that they will wear a yellow school polo (or basic yellow polo) or school dress on all days not deemed a sports day. For questions regarding this clarity of the uniform policy, please don’t hesitate to come and see me.
Our thanks to the P&C who have greatly assisted with the purchase of our fan in the undercover area. The fan was installed over the Christmas break and has made a huge difference to the ambient temperature of the area. It was very pleasant to hold our first meeting with students under the fan.
Learning Dispositions
This week will see the introduction of three new Learning Dispositions to Anzac Terrace. Resilient, Responsible and Respectful; these are the virtues and attributes we want our students to display when learning. Students will not be expected to ‘all of a sudden’ be resilient (for example), teachers will explicitly teach what it looks like, feels like, sounds like to be resilient learners. These learning dispositions will form part of both our mindfulness and Aussie Optimism programs throughout 2020 and beyond.
Swimming Lessons
Notes went home on Monday to all families in P-6 regarding swimming lessons this year. Through a lot of hard negotiations, Ms Amanda McAlpine has been able to organise for all students to participate in swimming lessons in Term One, as the weather is warmer. Not only was she able to achieve this feat, but she was also able to get all students in lessons in the same time period. (fantastic effort Ms McAlpine) Please return the notes with payment (either through Qkr or the envelope system in the School Office) as soon as possible to help with arrangements.
Kids Club
Kids Club will again be running at Anzac Terrace in 2020. Kids Club is an opportunity for children to meet together for a time of games, quizzes and activities, as well as a time of looking at Christian values/teaching. Kids Club also present both the Easter and Christmas plays. This is an opt-in club for year 4-6 students. If you would like your child to attend, sessions start on Tuesday 18 February in the Japanese Room at lunchtime.
Community Noticeboard
Please click on the links below to find out what’s happening in the community:
Stuart Blackwood